My Yoga journey began in my first year of college. I showed up for a yoga class at my school recreation center inflexible, intimidated, and confused. But I instantly loved how yoga made me feel and I quickly became obsessed; studying and practicing with any free time I had. I started a yoga club at my school, acted a president and began teaching classes at a local studio in Ocean Beach, San Diego. After 4 years of learning from my local teachers and reading anything yoga related I could get my hands on, I still didn’t feel like I grasped the subject properly, or had any business teaching. I felt like I needed to take a deeper dive before I could share. I needed more.

After graduating San Diego State University, I found my first Guru and threw myself fully into studying yoga with Megan Bello from Orange County Yoga Studio.  Soon after, I began an apprenticeship with her mentor Anna Delury while regularly taking workshops with another of  mentors’ Manouso Manos. I also took classes, workshops, and retreats with Paul Cabanis.

The opportunity to study with such knowledgeable and prolific Iyengar Yoga teachers was priceless and eye-opening.  The Iyengar method made sense to me; it was concrete, focused, and effective.

It wasn’t until I was introduced to Vinnie Marino’s class that I realized I could take ideas from my Iyengar foundation and blend my own style of Vinyasa Flow.

I truly enjoy practicing at home, in fact, it was one of the many reasons I started my YouTube channel.

My YouTube channel, Yoga With Tim, was important, because it gave me a way to share yoga with people for free, and give a variety of practices for all types of people. I hope I am able to transmit with authenticity what I have learned from these amazing teachers to help you along your journey.